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Winter Solstice

Happy Winter Solstice,

Some thoughts on this part of the year, originally a piece of writing for a company's winter offerings that I have edited and repurposed with their permission of course... :) 


As the days shorten and we make way for the long dark nights, a time for reflection and daily devotional habits emerge. For many of us our routines have been stripped back of important dates, celebrations and much of modern daily life’s noise. This serves as a reminder to get back to our roots, protect the sacred and create space for authentic traditions in our everyday lives. We embrace our craving for ancient ritual into our personal spaces and begin to create, turning dark into light and cold into warmth. We’ve become the guardians of our land, not only as a ritual of giving back to the wild landscapes that gave us life, but also so that we may dance upon it once again under the midwinter moon. Back to nature… back to mine and we welcome the outdoors in

As we move forward into the unknown, we pay attention to care more for ourselves and for our clan. Our intentions shift from plenty to simplicity, bringing us back to nature. We gather in the cold to greet friends warmly, swap late nights for early morning walks and find great joy in the smallest of things. We recognise the need for generosity in this time of austerity and the value of gifting tokens of love, creating a little bit of escapism for the people we care for most, and that of course includes ourselves. The winter months mark the end of a cycle and we slowdown in anticipation for the new dawn approaching, when we can emerge again, rested, rejuvenated and ready to spring back to life.

Zaza x

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